Dyed Chicks

9:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

I had a happy childhood. I remember that in here, from where I live, there are always a "Chicken Man". He sells DYED CHICKENS to the kids, extremely cheap also.

OK, some people do that for "Education" sakes. They (scientist, mostly) color the chicks to watch the growth of their feathers, and study the movement of wild birds. I think, its fine, as long as it is not harming the birds.
Injection of VEGETABLE DYES (as you see at the supermarket or grocery stores) is found to be harmless....
The eggs are usually injected at the age of 10th - 19th days. 

So that is pretty much how they do it. Well, at least, these chickens (hopefully) are treated nicely, and they are not to be harmed.

But i got a news flash.

I heard that in Indonesia, they actually dip in the little chicks into this chemical coloring water or something

I will do a research about it, and I will post the result later on 

Protein Source for Vegans

8:57 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I recently became a vegan, and I feel more alive now :D , since I know that I don't eat animals, means I am not supporting in any form of animal slaughtery for food :D

I am a newbie vegan and I already have these questions stuffed up on me

How do vegans get proteins?

For all of you guys that have been asking me that, I have a news flash for you...

Meats and eggs are not the only protein source in this whole wide world that is filled with all those amazing food source.

OK, you are right, that meats and eggs contains LOTS of protein but we can also get proteins somewhere else...

For all of you folks that lives in Indonesia, who never heard Tofu or Tempe? They are GREAT protein source! Also the soy beans with all of its products like soy sauce, tauco, and soy milk!

These are the vegan diet protein source:
  • Seitan
  • Lentils
  • Black beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Veggie Burgers
  • Chickpeas
  • Veggie baked beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Black eyed peas
  • Lima beans
  • Quinoa
  • Bagel
  • Peas
  • Peanut Butter
  • Veggie dog
  • Spaghetti
  • Almonds
  • Soy Yogurt
  • Bulger
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Cashews
  • Almond butter
  • Brown rice
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Potato

Well then, 
Those are our protein source
and once again


My first Seitan!

3:48 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Ugh, I made my very first seitan today, and I failed :D
It looked like "fake meatballs" that they sell here
But wellies! I can work with them

I think I failed because I didn't use the high-protein flour.


6:48 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
President Harry Truman said: “No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs.”

Everyone is mumbling about PIGS, pigs are filthy animals, pigs are stupid this and that. WHY PIGS? why is everyone misjudging pigs???

I'm pretty sure that not all of you know about the "Hidden Lives of The Pigs"

I found this article at Goveg.com. You can read the original article here, I'm kinda just take the concentrate of the article about Hidden Lives of The Pigs

You probably ask "Why would anyone keep pigs as pet??" Well, here goes


Pig's Facts:

1. Pigs loves to bask in the sun

2. Pigs love to play in a big space

3. Pigs,  just as another creature in this world, loves fresh air

4. Pigs are smarter than dogs

5. Pigs are friendly creature

6. Pigs are social animals

7. Pigs are loving animals

8. Pigs are protective

9. Pigs are playful

10. Pigs can get along with another animal aswell

11. Pigs enjoys listening music

12. Pigs dream

13. Pigs recognize their names

14. Pigs enjoys massage

15. Pigs play soccer, if they are trained, and they love it

16. Pigs can play Playstation, even better than out primates friends

17. Pigs remember code, of course if we teach them

18. Pigs have a great bond between their friends

19. Pigs learn examples

20. Pigs have great memories, just like elephants

21. Pigs remember where the food source is

22. Mama pigs sings for her babies

23. Piglets remember their mama's voice

24. Pigs don't sweat that's why they "wallow"

25. Pigs prefer water than muds

26. After 2-3 weeks, piglets recognize their names

27. Pigs can remember their way home

28. Pigs are forgivefulness

29. Pigs are not greedy, after they "full" they don't force to eat more

30. Pig saves lives, another animals, or their owners

Our Heroes:

1. Pru - Saved her human companion by dragging her out of muddy bog

2. Spammy -  led firefighters to a burning shed to save her calf friend Spot.

3. Lulu - found help for her human companion who had collapsed from a heart attack

4. Tunia - chased away an intruder

5. Mona -held a fleeing suspect’s leg until the police arrived.

6. Butch dan Sundance -escaped from a slaughterhouse and roamed the country for several days before being captured. Fortunately, a national outcry against slaughter allowed Butch and Sundance to go to a sanctuary.

7. Priscilla - saved a young boy from drowning


1. Pigs OBVIOUSLY have feelings
2. Eating pigs, just as if eating a 3 years old kid


source: www.goveg.com


5:10 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Hahaha. I found this good things that I found on this my new favorite site

Ten stupid questions vegans get asked 
The following is a list of stupid questions that vegans get asked with some tongue-in-cheek responses for your entertainment. Please note, I could go into immense detail to seriously address each and every one of these questions, but I will save that for later FAQs. Enjoy!

1) Don't you miss cheese?

I miss cheese about as much as I miss drinking Pepto-Bismol as a kid. 

2) If everyone went vegan, wouldn't animals take over the world?

Yes, animals would take over the world and cows would be breaking down our doors! You do realize that these animals exist only because we breed them into existence, right?

3) Aren't you hurting plants?

Plants do not have central nervous systems, therefore are not sentient, therefore do not feel pain. C'mon, really? 

4) Where do you get your protein?

Newsflash!! Almost ALL foods contain protein and guess what? We don't even need to combine them! This question must be straight out of 1983.

5) Do you eat fish?

Biology 101: Fish belong to the ANIMAL kingdom.

6) Wouldn't cows explode if we didn't milk them?

Why don't you go ask a mother that did not breast feed if her breasts are still intact. The only reason cows GIVE milk is because they are pregnant. Again, Biology 101.

7) Why don't you care about people?

I don't know about you, but I am capable of caring about more than one thing at a time. I guess someone with two children can only care about one of them with that logic.

8) Where do you get calcium if you don't drink milk?

Broccoli, brussels sprouts and most leafy greens offer more available calcium than cow's milk. Brussels sprouts clock in at around 68% absorption and I believe cow's milk clocks in somewhere around 32%. Where do you think cultures that don't drink milk get their calcium, dummy?

9) What do you eat, like salads and tofu?

Sometimes I throw in some iceberg lettuce for variety!

10) Isn't it hard being vegan?

Isn't it hard ripping through the greasy crust of a chicken wing, chewing around the cartilage, then picking the tendons out of your teeth afterwards? The only thing hard about being vegan is dealing with all these stupid, nonsensical questions.

so please fellas. dont ask me anymore.

Thank's Ed for letting me to post this :P

Foie Gras pictures

2:00 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

These are the pictures I got from this site

Open your eyes people. This is what the ducks have to go trough before they earn the french delicacy on your plate .

Foie Gras Farm = Duck Hell

These pictures were taken from various farm in South East France.

Animal Products

1:09 AM Edit This 0 Comments »














dairy products



poultry products


12:50 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Have you ever eaten DUCK LIVER A.K.A FOIE GRAS?
Do you know what that is?

FOIE GRAS: fatty liver for geese and ducks

You don't wanna eat that, why?
Let me tell you a little fact about FOIE GRAS.

1. They sex the ducks, and THROW THE GIRL DUCKS INTO THE GARBAGE!!!!, cuz they cant produce a good liver.
2. They will KILL THE SMALL DUCKS because they say it wont givea good liver quality, by BASHING THEIR HEAD TO THE WALL or STEP ON THEIR NECKS.
3. They keep the ducks in a small pen, they can't barely move
4. They force feed the ducks, wanna know how? the feeder grabs each bird and stick the metal pipe of the feeding machine down the birds' throat. The machine pumps a huge amount of a mixture of corn and oil directly into their gullets in just a few seconds, equivalent to 1:4 to 1:3 of their own body weight each day. 
5. Within weeks they will be overweight
6. Their livers will swell up 10x their normal size. That cause breathing stress due to decreased air sac space in their lungs, and forcing the legs to move outward at an awkward angle.
7. Ducks panting and struggling to stand, using their wings to push themselves forward when their cripple legs can no longer support them.
That causes fester on their legs and chest.
8. They sometimes die because of that barbaric throat stick thingy.
9. FYI SOMETIMES, shortly after birth, they CUT their BEAKS off...to prevent debilled ducks.
10. Then, they will hang the poor little creatures upside down and cut their throat
11. Ducks cant defense theirselves when animals like rats trying to harm them cause they can't barely move.

Sometimes the ducks die during the force feeding progress...
Ducks in FOIE GRAS poultry are emotionally and physically tortured.


look up that video for more information.

also: www.nofoiegras.org

Its been 5 days!

12:47 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

It's been 5 days!

Since I've been a VEGAN!

I'm so proud of myself!

Way To Go She Mei!!